How Important is Your Website?

It is almost 2020…yellow pages and newspapers are almost gone…leaving your advertising and information distribution to your website. Did you know that most internet users have no patience for slow websites?  Studies show that 7-8 seconds of waiting is TOO LONG for an impatient information-searching human.  They just click on the next link in Google, and move on, never to return to your site again.

Even worse, a website that does not come up gives the potential customer the idea that you’re out of business!

In summary, a slow website, a website that has errors when it comes up, or sites that don’t come up in a reasonable time…are treated like dead links by the human looking for your goods or services!

So what can you do?

Great question, because most of us are non-technical, so we need to get someone to fix the problem once it is found, but the real issue is knowing when your site is not operating correctly. Once you know that there’s a problem, a quick call to your web developer or hosting company will usually solve the problem.

The problem here is that your web developers or hosting company are only monitoring the hardware that your website resides on, and not the website itself. That is “someone elses” job…and to me, it is a big mistake on their part.  It means that you have to wait for a person to try and get to your site that cares enough to let you know there’s a problem. will check your site every 5 minutes.  It makes sure it comes up in less than 7 seconds.  It makes sure you are not showing the dreaded 404 and 505 browser messages (when your site is down).  It then reads your content and makes sure your keywords are being displayed and your site was not hacked.  Once it does these critical checks, it then does some really great supplementary checks:  Checks your FTP server, and then checks your expiration date on your domain, and will warn you that the expiration is coming so that nobody steals it out from under you. (Pirates!)

If finds any faults, we let you know immediately by email and text message, so you can get the right people involved to get your site back up and running. costs $9.99/month, and will check your site every 5 minutes.

Nobody can afford to lose a potential customer.  Sign up now for AWO, especially before the holidays, and have a little extra peace of mind that your site is running well, even when you’re not paying attention to it.